SUP SR 1.5

The Summary for Urban Policymakers synthesizes the key scientific findings and policy observations from the Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C (SR1.5) for officials and policymakers of the world’s cities and urban areas. It details the significance of exceeding a 1.5°C global warming limit, including in urban settings, whilst outlining the four systems transitions – energy, land use and ecosystems, urban and infrastructure, and industry – needed to develop 1.5°C-consistent pathways. It focuses in particular on the urban systems transition, including the necessary enabling conditions, as well as the political, economic and social feasibility of the necessary adaptation and mitigation actions. The document clarifies knowledge gaps and research priorities for urban climate change mitigation and adaptation. Cities and urban areas need to be at the forefront of developing 1.5°C-consistent pathways as shown in this report.

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