Call for Session Abstracts is now open


The 2024 Innovate4Cities Conference is convening in September in Montreal and we’re calling you to submit an abstract and be part of the conversation!

I4C24 aims to share, update, and synthesize insights from novel research, knowledge, and innovative approaches at the intersection of cities and climate science – to understand good practice, measure progress since the 2021 Innovate4Cities Conference, and better inform broader processes including the upcoming IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Cities.


The 2024 Innovate4Cities Conference Organizing Team invites contributions from practitioners across the evidence-led landscape to share their latest work and knowledge in research and innovation across the full spectrum of the Global Research and Action Agenda (GRAA) and City Research and Innovation Agenda (CRIA). Using the I4C24 themes of biodiversity and resilience, digitalization, finance, and governance  as anchor points, We welcome submissions from across the globe and particularly encourage practitioners from marginalized and underrepresented communities, as well as the Global South.

The conference will host plenaries, innovation showcases, and panel discussions in a largely in-person format, and will serve as a catalyst for continually growing dialogue and knowledge exchange between local governments and sustainability practitioners across all communities.

Submission Categories

I4C24 aims to share, update, and synthesize insights from novel research, knowledge, and innovative approaches at the intersection of cities and climate science – to understand good practice, measure progress since the 2021 Innovate4Cities Conference, and better inform broader processes including the upcoming IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Cities.

Crucial to the Innovate4Cities process is the inclusion of diverse voices and perspectives, the co-production of interdisciplinary knowledge, and collaboration across sectors and levels of government.

Submissions must be accompanied by a description of no more than 350 words. Where themes and delivery formats are complementary, the I4C24 Organizing Team may request a combination of sessions to maximize impact.

Session abstract submissions will be accepted in the following formats that address the priority gaps identified through Innovate4Cities:

  • Research papers: Academic research that presents scientific advancements, interdisciplinary research, and evidence-based solutions. Standard format: 20 minute presentations, including 5 minutes for questions
  • Innovative collaboration: Highlights from projects where collaboration between academia, government, business, civil society, and others resulted in constructive learnings and tangible outcomes to accelerate city climate action. Standard format: 20 minute presentations, including 5 minutes for questions
  • Interactive panels and showcases: Engaging discussions that include diverse perspectives and disciplines to feature knowledge and innovation on relevant topic(s). Standard format: 60 minute sessions including at least 3 speakers with interactive elements
  • Creative works: Cultural arts & heritage practice or work that is both a product of its locale and contributes to the sustainable livelihoods and practice of its community.
  • Innovative Methodology: Share innovation methodologies and examples of applied co-creation with cross-sector stakeholders to deliver local climate and energy action. Methods can include, but are not limited to: challenge-driven innovation, foresight and scenario planning, experimentation/living labs, innovation labs, accelerators, design thinking, and multi-level perspectives. 1 hour facilitated workshop
  • Hackathon: Share a challenge statement relevant to one or more I4C24 themes that can be tackled, prototyped, and tested – in real time – by participants from diverse backgrounds in an intensive, interactive, and solutions-oriented session.

Session Abstract Information: Learn more about this year’s Conference and how you can be involved

Session 1: Advancing research and knowledge at the 2024 Innovate4Cities Conference

Session 2: Accelerating sustainable local climate solutions through business leadership at the 2024 Innovate4Cities Conference

Session 3: How the 2024 Innovate4Cities Conference amplifies the efforts of local governments to create climate resilient cities

Session 4: Maximizing the impact of NGOs and civil society to foster climate resilient cities through the 2024 Innovate4Cities Conference

Have a question about submitting a proposal about participating in the Innovate4Cities Conference?

Stay tuned for a series of short webinars with more information or contact us directly at:

Find out more about the next Innovate4Cities

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