Season 1 – Episode 1 of the city climate innovation: city climate innovation: special episodes of the climatetalks podcast

The Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy (GCoM) is excited launch the new City Climate Innovation: Special episodes of the ClimateTalks Podcast, produced together with the University of Melbourne (UniMelb), Melbourne Climate Futures (MCF) and Melbourne Centre for Cities (MCC). This four-part limited series  focuses on the nexus of cities, climate change science, and policy innovation – and the critical partnerships required to meet Paris Agreement goals at unprecedented speed and scale. By highlighting the priority knowledge gaps identified through the City Research and Innovation Agenda (CRIA) as a common starting point, the limited podcast series takes listeners through key partnerships on the road to COP 27 – including Mission Innovation, Innovate4Cities, and others.

In this first episode of the City Climate Innovation: Special episodes of the ClimateTalks Podcast – Cities on a Mission – we shed light on the critical need for urban research and innovation, kicking off with GCoM Research and Innovation Technical Working Group co-chair Valentina Palermo, Scientific Project Officer at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) who shares what urban practitioners are saying through the lens of the City Research and Innovation Agenda (CRIA) and the Global Research and Action Agenda (GRAA) –  two key outcomes from the Innovate4Cities 2021 Conference, launched and discussed at ICLEI World Congress 2021-2022.

Coming from the Global Clean Energy Action Forum in Pittsburgh, USA we also have Rosalinde van der Vlies, Director of the Clean Planet Directorate in the European Commission’s DG for Research and Innovation and Mission Innovation Vice Chair, and Giorgia Rambelli, Director of the Urban Transitions Mission – unpacking the Mission Innovation Urban Transitions Mission (UTM), a joint effort that aims to mobilize cities worldwide to advance their climate action planning, increase their ambition and implement systemic and innovative approaches to a net-zero, resilient, and people-centered urban future. They will go into more detail on what UTM will bring to the stage and its priorities for the first year. These guests join hosts Ben Jance, Cathy Oke, and Andy Deacon.

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